Friday, December 23, 2016

Got acne prone skin? Read This

The sad fact of life is; breakouts aren’t just for teenagers. Many people, especially women start experiencing acne later in their 20’s or even 30’s! I mean, how unfair is that! Lucky for us though, with a little bit of information and a few key skincare products we can arm ourselves to win the acne war

Clean Your Makeup Brushes

Makeup sponges and brushes harbor dirt and bacteria like nothing else. Brushes should be washed at least every 2 weeks, and sponges (like the Beauty Blender) after every use. To properly wash your brushes; use a solution of warm water with a few drops of face wash or dish soap. Swirl the brushes around in the solution, rinse, and repeat and water runs clear. Lay them flat to air dry.

Breakouts can form when skin becomes clogged with excess oil, dirt and dead skin gets trapped in the skin cell. To make sure this doesn’t happen, an exfoliating scrub is our best friend. Scrubs have tiny little beads in them that manually take off dead skin and clean away trapped oil. It’s best to use something gentle and that also has moisturizing properties as to not over dry skin. I like Valentia’s Eternal Youth Exfoliating Scrub. It’s a natural formulation based on aloe vera which is hydrating, and uses fine jojoba beads for gentle exfoliation.

Don’t Pop. Spot Treat.
I know it’s hard, especially when it’s just staring right at you. But please! Fight the urge to pick or pop your pimple. Squeezing the skin causes serious irritation, inflammation and further aggravates the breakout. It also comes with the risk of leaving behind a scar. Instead, use a spot treatment with salicylic acid to dry out the pimple and kill the bacteria. Still, if you must pop, use clean hands, and thoroughly clean the pimple after to limit the risk of infection.

Use a Serum
Often times a rich cream or moisturizer is too heavy for acne prone oily skin types. Instead using a lighter product like a serum that is high in active ingredients while still providing moisture is a better idea. Try Valentia’s Clear Lift Revitalizing Serum. It has Argan Oil to hydrate skin, Lactic Acid to help minimize breakouts, and Licorice to lighten left over scarring.

For more information on the products mentioned check out

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